Cost of life

M; My friend’s daughter is getting married to an American guy and live in the US. We celebrated her for her new life the other day.

F; Oh….that’s nice of you to hear the young people starting over.

M; Yeah…she worked as a nurse for years in Tokyo and applied for working holiday program in the US as a sitter. She worked for two years there in different home each year, in the state of New Jersey and Oregon. Finally she met her destiny in Oregon. She’s going to live in there for her new life.

F; It’s so dramatic but it would be hard for her by herself alone far from the family.

M; I’m sure she’s decided to get over difficulties but she loves adventurous life in the foreign countries. She and her fiancé are planning to move Hawaii in the future.

F; They have a dream to share! It makes her strong enough!

M; Indeed…having a dream brings you great journey in a life as long as young, don’t you?

F; It would cost much but the power of energy would turn them on.

M; She said she learned wherever you stay it will cost you even at a breath. She learned very important things to live and wherever you go you can earn and pay for it!

F; I’m being settled in my home as getting old but I wish I could fly if I were a young bird!

M; Let’s hold young spirits!

3 thoughts on “Cost of life

  1. Good morning☔
    M:my friend’s daughter, marry and live in Nagoya.
    Friend is very worry, so , Nagoya is a long way from Toyama.

    F:OH, I see, Toyama is very good palace.

    M:Jen’s friend is great❗
    Her daughter is happy so surround by gentle people.

    M&F:We wish you every happiness


  2. F; It is very great that a young woman is challenging the unknown world alone with having courage.
    M; Yeah, I think so too. Such things couldn’t even imagine when we were young. Since the current world is globalized, I want the young people to try challenging to the world more and more.
    However, we elderly also should continue to challenge to something with having curiosity and courage as long as live.
    F; That’s right!


  3. M: To be young is it wonderful with just that.

    F: I think so too. \^ ^/

    M: I want they to spend a lot of the time they have meaningfully..

    F: What would you like to do if you had a lot of time?

    M: Hmm, I would like to study abroad and have lots of chat in English. (^o^)

    F: That’s a wonderful dream, isn’t it?


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