A raised bed

I tried to make a raised bed to stand plastic boards into a square. It’s still some plants in there, soon I’ll pull it out and make bed soils for next year.

I’m planning to seed some flowers 🤗

By the way I really love lace lavender so much! It’s very elegant and well perfumed. But it’s said weak in winter different from other lavenders.so I wonder how I can take care of it. I planted in the ground so it might die during winter. I’ll try to protect it as much as possible. I’m making cut of it but it’s not well.

Cool and rainy today! It’s getting to be deep autumn 🍂


It’s so windy somehow stormy attacking my home at a time. It’s because of being affected by typhoon 16 🌀

It’s getting to be strong shinny and hot by the Foehn phenomenon. Weather is changing hot and cool. Time to get cold or weak immune system…so be careful!

I couldn’t find larval this morning😔 It has disappeared as usual …may be gone or fed😢

It’s very very hard to survive🙁

I saw some pretty one in the garden. They can survive in the hard environment.

Little bloomer

I saw a small flower 🌸 of autumn cosmos which I seeded last month. I’m worried it didn’t grow well because of chilly wind recently.

It’s so nice to bloom once and I’m expected it’ll grow next year dropping seeds there.

I’m selfish removing unwanted wild plants and planting my favorite plants 🌱☺️

I’m sure nature is strong enough beyond my expectation.😝

Surprised harvests

I tried to cut some summer plants 🌱, basil and shiso and cultivated land. Then I hit some soft thing in the shovel!

I found potatoes 🥔in the land!

There were four potatoes but one was bitten by 🐛☹️

It’s an unexpected and surprised gift 💝

In early spring I buried one potato which had sprouts. I harvested some tiny potatoes earlier and I pulled it all out!

It’s so amazing that without leaves or stems in the land potatoes were growing by themselves 😜 It’s so wonderful!

I’ll burry potato 🥔 next spring 🤗

Finding something…etc

I found another larva this morning. But I don’t care it because life is destined to be or not to be, so let it be done.

I just observe it from the view point.

Next, when I weeded a weed at the top and it can be pulled easily from the soft mud. It’s so long root! It would be very big and strong. That’s the reason weeds are surviving all the year.

I’ll seed my favorite weed seeds to cover unwanted weeds. 🤷‍♂️

Nothing special

Today there was a fire drill at our apartment in the morning. Now I notice I didn’t upload today’s blog😅

Hmmm….nothing special but it’s very cool and fresh morning!

I went on shopping on foot yesterday and found a flock of strong flowers below the river bank. I closely looked into across the river on my way to the shop. It was yellow cosmos in this season.

It remind me of “ Dokonjo xyzsomething”

It used to be stand up from the clack of street and grow big!

It’s a kind of natural power💪

The morning routine

It’s wonderful morning to work in the garden. Cool and calm from 6:00 to 7:00 in the morning quiet. I was picking some plants which has grown up and at the end of this season before having seeds because such plants (Shiso) is naturally grow big during summer which I had seeded several years before.

I also cut climbing stem of blackberries and make use for wreath.

This morning I was thinking about some shape of object. It’s my favorite time🥰

Wreath of new item

I’ve got waste of the plants in the garden of my acquaintance. She asked me if I wanted some plants cutting down to make use for wreath.

I was willing to get it and made it for wreath.

It’s mimosa wreath which bloomed tiny yellow blossoms.

I remember that the famous actress Keiko Kishi used to refer to mimosa in her family garden. She loved it very much.

It’s a kind of noble ladies perfume🥰

One life in a day

I found him the day before yesterday but found dead in the evening yesterday😑

So I reset the guard fence at once and the windy weather came back at the time.

It’s over that so many uncompleted life has gone, I feel solitary even though having had so many losses.

I move on thinking about other short lives in our world.

I found a pretty flower in the edge of the garden of someone’s house. So I only took the shot of it. It’s called “Yanagi Hanagasa”. It’s also too pretty 😍

They live to show us their love and make us brighten and pleased for the time. Even a moment of time it’s worth living🥰