Super lady!

M; Oh…what a wonderful lady she is!

F; How old is she?

M; She’s 84 years old teaching Japanese to foreign student who want to learn Japanese on line.

F; Really? Is she using internet?

M; Her nursery home manager arranged her to use tablet and help her to connect international world.

F; That’s a great idea.

M; Yeah…,she likes to teach Japanese and chat with young people overseas. They’re also happy to learn Japanese from her!

F; It’s the true internet benefits without business.

Super lady!

5 thoughts on “Super lady!

  1. Good morning☔
    M:She is great❗

    F:yes, she put on kimono👘
    She is elegance💓

    M:OH,Yamato Nadesiko💕🎶

    F:you put on kimono👘occasionally, don’t you?

    M:yes, so What?

    You put on kimono👘 when DOHYOIRI.(LOL)😆

    I don’t use Mawashi😡


  2. M: It’s amazing to be doing this at the elderly facilities.
    F: That’s right! This is a beneficial try.
    M: By the way, I went to see a movie with my husband today.
    F: Oh, that is also meaningful.
    M: But, Our conversation was only a little.
    F: We should talk more using Japanese.


  3. F: 84 year old woman who is in an elderly facility seems to be using the Internet.
    M: Really? that’s great!
    F: In addition, she has been teaching Japanese language and culture to foreigners by using it.
    M: That is even more surprising! she looks very wise and wonderful woman.
    F: But, you also have been learning English conversation for seven years. It’s also great!
    M: Thank you. It was good at keeping to learn for seven years. But, the result isn’t so good because I learn, and then forget because being elderly. I need more brain training.


  4. Ann’s comment is funny, and I have laughed!
    Even if I age, it’s a nice life-style that can be useful to a person.


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