Getting started

M; Today new term starts.

F; Yeah, new and regular programs on radio and tv are lined up.

M; Which one are you going to keep learning this year?

F; I’m interested in the new program “Ken’s Enjoy English conversation”. It shifts from “English conversation”.

M; Oh…I see but the time schedule is difficult to catch up.

F; It seems 10:30 to 10:45 am is hard to listen to every day. It’s a problem.

M; For me from 9:05 to 15, it’s very convenient to listen to every day.

F; What’s that?

M; “Vocabrider” and “Enjoy simple English”.

F; It’s good programs from last year. I’d like to try “Time trial” from 8:30am.

M; It’s important to do every day even you’re busy just turning on the radio and listen to.

Getting started

3 thoughts on “Getting started

  1. Good morning ☀
    M: I listened「Kiso1」「Kiso2」every morning.
    But I can’t it now😣😢😭

    What happened?

    M:my youngest son, he came back and live with us.
    I should make his breakfast.
    That time is same radio time.

    F:OH,you are busy.
    What to do?

    M:I recorded it.
    I listen it other time.

    F:good idea❗
    Continuation is power.💪


  2. F: You look pleasing, aren’t you?
    M: Yeah, I can participate in the class that I wanted this year as well.
    F: That was good, wasn’t it.
    By the way, are you studying English using radio or TV?
    M: Yes, I am doing it. So, I’m looking forward to the new program.


  3. F: Will you receive an English course again this year?
    M: Yes, of course I will receive.
    F: How many years did you?
    M: I will be the eighth year this year.
    F: So much! If so, you are considerably improved with English.
    M: No, I havn’t improved so much.
    F: Why?
    M: My purpose to learn English is to exchange with people by to learn. However, if possible I want to improve with English too.


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