Dark early and bright late

It’s being shorter and shorter of the daytime. It means the sun rises late and sets early so winter time shifts for a few months until March. But it’s not the shortest yet. We’ll have the winter equinox next month, the shortest day in a year. Without sunshine or being short day will bring me depression.

Today seems fine but it’ll be rain in the weekend and during next week. Dark short wet days will stay in winter season with us. Let’s enjoy the rare sunshine today only!

10 thoughts on “Dark early and bright late

  1. Good morning ⛅
    I can’t play Wintter sports🏂🎿
    But I like 「Yukikaki」
    Clear the road, I’m happy💕
    Dark and cold day,I solve 「Nanple」with tea and sweets.🍰🍪🍫🍬🍮🍡🍘☕
    I’m very happy💕✨🎵💜💙💚


  2. I can see Mt,Tate from the second floor of my house.
    In the present season, The sun rises from around Yakushi dake.
    My veranda gets the sunlight well.
    When the sun can’t be seen my granddaughter said, “The sun is resting today, isn’t it?”
    The sun will take a break for a while from tomorrow.

    When I went to the classroom this morning, the way Mt,Tate looked was different from usual.
    Hayatsuki ridge clearly visible, clearly seen the ridge from Setokura to Osina and Kwasakiyama.
    Such a thing was my first time.
    I headed to the classroom in a “Lun Lun” mood.


    1. I recognized those beautiful mountain ranges in the east. I wished to go seeing them from the good view point along the riverside. But sorry to have no time.


  3. Indeed, I also realized that the sunrise is delayed, the sunset is getting faster and being less during the daytime, especially when in bad weather.
    It was cold this morning, but the weather was fine with sunshine during the day.
    So, I don’t want to believe the weather forecast that from tomorrow will be a rough weather in winter at once, because there is an annual apple hunting of my home to Nagano.
    However, this year it was later than usual, so we have to make a going decision even in the rain.
    I pray to God like rain doesn’t fall only in the morning.


    1. I’m sorry it’ll be rain all over Japan in the east and west according to the weather map now. But you can believe in yourself bad clouds will remove on your head…I really hope you’ll be blessed with no shower on the spot.


  4. Ms.ann Monday, thank you for praying by your teruteru-boze.
    However, it was said that I was been “the rain God” from the college era.(LOL)


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