Unlearning – from globalization to localization 

I think it’s very meaningful article to live for the next generation when they are stuck  in their life. It’s been very important education “learning” and “globalization” because our life has changed a lot with foreign culture and business field such as multinational corporations. So we need to know to cultivate our new waves to survive.

While this is saying “the end of globalization” and shift to localization. We need not “learning” but “unlearning”, which makes us realize more about ourselves to fulfill life as well as being in the nature. It’s better to choose diversity in the society. It’s also said “economy” has grown up too majority and too big in our life. We should find out more value than money.


8 thoughts on “Unlearning – from globalization to localization 

  1. I think of Italy when I heard that it’s a slow life.
    But I have never been to Italy.
    I think the danger of war comes out if the economy jumps out of society and becomes too strong.
    As Mr. Tsuji says, I think it’s necessary to have a time to stop and see around.
    I’m vaguely thinking about slow life.
    And I’m looking for a slow life that suits me.
    I wish for more teachers like Mr.Tsuji.


  2. I think modern global economy is huge demon that can’t control anyone, unfortunately.
    But the countries and citizens all over the world are struggling hard in search of more wealth, and struggles and conflicts have occurred in the process.
    I am also worried that ultimately it will become a crisis of the earth if the current situation continues more and more.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Globalization and economic competition has made big differences of the rich and poor in the world. No idea for how to make all the people happy but in the small world we can each make my people happy as possible from myself.


  3. Good
    I need unlearning.
    By the way,Icould watch an Aurora💕🎵✴last night🌔
    It’s amazing, great,beautiful❗❗🎶❤💕
    Thank you💕💓💗
    Every body
    Thank you for Got’s love😆😂😍


  4. Yes,my life is the best moment.
    Actually ,I went to charche at near hotel.
    I pray to Got .
    Got’slove is great🎊💮🎉💕
    Soon I could watch an Aurora💕🎵✴
    Iwill go to charche for thanks.


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