Cutting the flower

It was very miserable that sweet pea was devastated to fall down by the heavy rain this morning. It was almost 1 m high long branches but the support bar was too short for it.

So I cut each branches and saved some flowers immediately.

They’re white, pink and red. Each of them is very pretty though the whole shape in the bottle is not so beautiful…may be they are bending down and not straight up.

I’m sorry for them…I’ll keep them blooming even for more time in my room. I say hello and giving “pretty” cheer to them💕

It’ll be fine even inside from the land.

One thought on “Cutting the flower

  1. Good morning ☔️😊
    They are so cute and beautiful.
    My garden’s one, they are starting by peonies’s stem.
    So I couldn’t cut their.
    It’s cold today.
    I make new dress of my kimono for Nana.
    I sew it very difficult because of hard cloth.😥
    I can do it 🤨😅😆


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