What’s wise parenting?

M; How have you brought your children up?

F; What do you mean?

M; Did you give praise or things which your children wanted when you tried to make them listen to you or doing their tasks at school?”

F; Hmmm…sometimes when they didn’t finish their homework yet I promised to take to shops where they liked if they finished their tasks.

M; Yeah…parents often deal with their children. Children also like to deal with parents to get something they want.

F; Is it bad if parents try to get children’s interests to let them behave.

M; Well….it sometimes causes to spoil children because they might react for rewards.

F; Then what’s the good approach to educate them?

M; It’s not easy but parents should stay along with them and guide how to get their goal. The point is “You don’t give fish but teach how to fish.”

F; You mean not giving them objects but how to get something, don’t you?

M; Right! I wanted my children

“Be independent and be yourself”

F; I agree we can’t live long for giving them praises.

What’s wise parenting?

6 thoughts on “What’s wise parenting?

  1. Good morning☁
    I said 「I give allowance for you」when I had troublesome work.
    My child-care ended in failure.

    F:me too.
    But , we are parents and they are our children.
    Our children are a little better than our,aren’t you?😄

    M:yes😄 you are right❗


  2. M: It is surprising that there are parents who reward children for learning.
    F: What did you hope to your children?
    M: I hoped that my children could think on their own and act .
    F: Has your hope succeeded?
    M: Hmm, I don’t know.

    By the way,
    Mr. Junpei Yasuda was released.
    I’m concerned that “self-responsibility theory” will come out again.


  3. F; Are there a ways to motivate the children in your home?
    M; Umm …., in our home, their parents say only “you should study!” with so many times.
    So, as grandparents, we promise sometimes their small wish in order to motivate to their study. For example, going to Kaiten-zushi or playing game mchine one hour extra, etc,.
    By the way, my wife has given an allowance of monthly 2000 yen with respecting his autonomy to the elder grandson from the time of receiving the national pension. So, he love grandmother and has a very intimate relationship with her.
    F; Your wife is very gentle.
    M; Yeah, our grandchildren are very Happy.


  4. Good morning☀
    It’s can’t send comment 26 October
    M: I want use smart lock.
    But If I have dementia,umm…😣😱
    After all , It’s difficult.

    F:yes, and 「narisumashi」
    It have a lot of problem.

    M:analog’sworld, that is good😆

    F:your Hara-log(potbelly) isn’t good😆


  5. I can’t send comment to your blog of 26th October because it isn’t the same from the usual.
    When click “What’s smart lock?”, the article display in direct.
    Is it all right?


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