Brand new PC

M; I finally made my pc renewal!

F; Did you buy a new PC?

M; No, I’ve extended memory and changed hard disk to SSD.

F; Oh…, it sounds nice!

M; Yeah…I made it 1/10 cost of buying a new PC to set up to the powerful one.

F; How nice of you to have done with your PC. You love your familiar PC so much, don’t you?

M; Of course but I also want to save money for now. I’ll have to buy a new PC soon or later in years because it’s old enough.

F; How old is it?

M; It’s 7 years old. As for PC year, it’s already finished at all!

But it’s still active enough for me now.

F; What’s the change after the renewal?

M; It works very quickly just as iOS devices. No stress any more!

F; You don’t have to buy a new one ☝️.

M; I hope not.

3 thoughts on “Brand new PC

  1. Good morning☀
    F:What’s the matter?

    M:MS. Jen, she is challenger❗

    F:Aha, today’s blog?
    She does”nt miss PC for her life, so necessity.

    M:I see, my necessity is sweets❗
    I will make an apple jam🍎

    F:OH, is that so?
    It’s just like you😄


  2. M: Jen is really amazing!
    F: I think so too. what would you do?
    M: I will ask an expert or I will buy a new PC.
    F: Can you use an evolved PC?
    M: Uhm, it is …

    By the way,
    Our group was planning go to Mt.Myoko from tomorrow.
    But we’re canceled it, because a strong typhoon comes here.
    I’ll prepar for the typhoon.


  3. M; Ms.jen seems to have exchanged her PC’s hard disk drive to SSD to speed up the reaction speed of PC.
    F; What is SSD?
    M; I also couldn’t understand it well, but it seems that the processing speed of the PC which reaction slowed down has improved greatly.
    F; How is your PC going?
    M: My PC isn’t so good because the processing speed is slow down gradually. Especially, editing work of video with large processing load is very irritated.
    I also would like to think about replacing my PC’s hard disk drive to SSD.


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