Weather forecast next month

M; It’s very hot again this weekend after typhoon.

F; Yeah, it didn’t rain here, did it ?

M; I didn’t notice it. But strong wind blew all day yesterday.

By the way the weather forecast next month after next is announced.

F; What’s it going on?

M; It’s said lingering summer heat will long so far in September and autumn will come late.

F; Oh…we’ll have long summer!

Weather forecast next month

3 thoughts on “Weather forecast next month

  1. Good morning☁
    M:summer🔥hot autumn🔥 and rainy☔

    F:What’s up?

    M:It’s weather forecast next month.
    I became absent-minded because of heat🔥

    F:No, you are all right😆

    M:thank you😆
    But my brain cold tofu turned into boild tofu.(LOL)😆


  2. F; The weather this summer was very abnormal, wasn’t it?
    M; Yeah, a nationwide intense hot summer, heavy rain in western Japan and frequent typhoons heading to Japan, etc,. We were hit by a really abnormal weather.
    F; According to the long-term weather forecast of the three months of the Japan Meteorological Agency, it seems that the heat wave will continue for the time being.
    M; It seems like that. Because abnormal weather continues, I’m worried about this winter the weather, such as like in the bitter cold and heavy snowfall.

    By the way, I am sorry for very late comment.


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