June the symbol

M; It’s in June!

F; June bride but we have rainy season this month.

M; Plants are enjoying June shower a lot especially hydrangeas.

In my garden they starts to bloom.

F; Yeah….they’re symbol of June.

M; Rain in June gives us great pleasure.

F; Your birthday is also in June, isn’t it?

M; Yeah….I get old every June.😆

4 thoughts on “June the symbol

  1. Good morning☀
    M:「Gaku ajisai」is beautiful and modest.

    F:yes, flower follows her example.😆

    M:umm…my garden’s hydrangea, they are still in bud.
    Anabel(wild white hydrangeas )is
    ①green→②light gree→③white
    Now, ②
    They are lazy, like me.😅

    F:OH,your garden ‘s color is green.🍀🌱🌿
    It’s Shinryoku like you😆

    So but very small one.(LOL)😆


  2. F: It’s a season of hydrangea, isn’t it?
    M: Yeah! But, my hydrangea still has no flowers.
    I can’t wait for flowers.

    M: By the way, Today the local volunteer group made a lot of “Ohagi”.
    F: Did you have any events today?
    M: We made “Ohagi” with elementary school students and distributed it to elderly people living alone.
    And this is done every year.
    F: I appreciate your work.


  3. F: It seems that hydrangea flowers began to bloom as early as in the teacher’s garden.
    M: Oh, it’s early, isn’t it? Hydrangea in my house hasn’t bloomed yet.
    F: Even so, the flowers of hydrangea introduced in the blog are slightly different from normal.
    M: Perhaps, I think that this flower of hydrangea is a kind of “dance party”. This flower is very elegant and rising in popularity recently.

    By the way, the opening ceremony of the Toyama prefecture convention of the Takamadonomiya Cup of youth baseball tournament was held at the Maruyama stadium of Kamiich-town, and my younger grandson’s team also participated as Toyama city representative. Today the sunlight was very intense and I got a lot of sunburn.


  4. Hydrangea is also in bloom.
    “Kashiwaba ajisai”
    “Yama ajisai”
    “Gaku ajisai”
    They make me happy!


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