Mommy’s handcraft

M; I’m very pleased with the product by my daughter-in-law.

F; What’s it?

M; She made a bookshelf for her daughter by herself.

F; That’s so excellent!

M; What do you think of the materials?

F; Isn’t it made of woods?

M; No. They are made from disposals.

F; You mean she made it using garbages or trashes?

M; Yeah…,kind of.

F; Empty plastic bottle or paper boxes?

M; You’re close! She used cardboard and empty milk packs.

4 thoughts on “Mommy’s handcraft

  1. Good morning☁
    M:look this bookshelf❗

    F:OH, It’s good❗
    Hand made⁉ great❗

    M:yes,so great❗
    It’s light, easy to use and just size for child.

    F:She is good mother, so skillful and recycling of waste materials.

    M:yes,she looks like her mother -in-law.


  2. Handmade interior is very good, isn’t it?
    The homemade bookshelf that was in line with the little child’s eyes level can feel the affection of the mother and importance of recycling.
    Perhaps, this bookshelf would be seem to treasure for him.
    I admire the works of your daughter in-law.


  3. M: This is a very good idea.
    F: what is that?
    M: It’s a bookshelf for little children.
    F: Oh, this is a good bookshelf.
    M: I want to make it for my grandchildren.


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