Weather forecast for 3 months to come

M; Hey, meteorological agency announced the weather forecast for the three months to come.

F; What does it say?

M; It’s said comparatively warmer than the usual, each April, May and June.

F; It’s good to hear that.

M; Yeah…we can plan to go out.

Weather forecast for three months to come

4 thoughts on “Weather forecast for 3 months to come

  1. Good morning☀
    M:spring has come here😆

    F:next week will good day💕 so warm, sunny.

    M:I have plan of trip, I’m lucky❗

    F:really, you are lucky❗🎶❤💕

    M:thank you💕💓💗


  2. It was very cold this winter, but it seems like it will be relatively warmer than usual for the next three months according to the forecast, so I am also glad because I am weak against cold and strong against hot.

    By the way, yesterday I entered a comment and sent it, but it did not appear. So, I entered it again, but “comment has already been entered” is displayed and it was not accepted. I wonder where did my comment go?


  3. F: You look pleasing, don’t you?
    M: Yeah, I’m glad that it will be warm from today.
    F: Is there something good for you?
    M: The mountain season of our group begins.
    And my group going to mountain tomorrow.
    F: I heard good things.
    But, Please be careful as there are still snow in the mountains.


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