The Boss baby commands to the loyal dog

It’s so funny the baby is bossy to a dog which is bigger than him. But the dog is so loyal to the baby who is walking with a waddle.

Imagine if they’re talking what they were saying.

Baby ” Hey you, let’s go walk. ”

Dog ” OK, but you’re too small to lead me..”

B. ” I’m a boss to lead you now.”

D. ” You make much smaller step than me. I’ll have to have a rest….. Whoops, here comes good smell I like, sniff sniff.”

B. ” You stop me…, makes me drop the lead. Go get foreword now.”

D. ” Okay…..( thinking so tired ) ”

How is it? What about your guessing what they are talking.

The Boss baby commands to the loyal dog

7 thoughts on “The Boss baby commands to the loyal dog

  1. Good morning☁
    I guessed…
    B, let’s go walk.
    D, Oky, I watch you walk.
    B, I’m member of patrol for earth.
    I wish find out ALIEN.
    D, I discover it❗
    Let’s go bushes.
    D, Sorry 😥
    It’s grasshopper.
    B, Oky, patrol start❗
    D, I have to report the ALIEN to captain(mother)


  2. This is a heartwarming scene, isn’t it?
    When I saw this video, I thought “Amy and Ken”.
    I heard that there are many people who keep cats these days.
    But I think that they are friends even if they are animals or stuffed animals.
    By the way,
    I must think the schedule from now to the end of the year.
    But, I don’t want perfection.
    Let’s go “Que sera sera!”


  3. This video is an unbalanced combination, but heartwarming scene, isn’t it?
    I imagine their conversation as follows.

    Baby : ”Hey you, let’s go walk.”
    Dog : ”OK, but I think you’re too undependable to lead me. Are you all right? Look at frontward well!
    Baby : I am all right, I am all right! Follow me without complaining.
    Dog : Oh, wait just moment!
    Baby : Hey, dont look aside! Go ahead on foot!

    By the way, I joined in the regular meeting of the walking club for the first time in about 8 months yesterday and walked 10km from Yatsuo station to Sasazu station.
    I was a little uneasy because there was a very long blank, but I could walk with everybody’s pace by short course or good weather.
    This year it was only one week left, but because last day of walk regular meeting is December 30th, I am going to join there.


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