10 thoughts on “Longevity smile

    1. It’s a kind of practice to keep smiling even in hard time after the failure or in trouble….it seems like lifting your mind never mind and take it easy each day.


  1. Good morning ☔
    I’m all for it💕
    I say 「you are cute💓💗 you are good❗🎶❤💕」by myself, for myself.
    So my face become smile face😍😆😄😊


  2. I don’t have laughing loudly lately.
    I was laughing too much until about ten years ago.
    My physical condition is not good because I don’t laugh out loud?
    I heard that laughing loudly for 20 minutes in a day is good for the health.
    I’m laughing loudly in front of the mirror as much as possible, but it’s difficult for 20 minutes.
    By the way,
    Today I planned to go to the mountain with my group, but it was canceled.
    Therefore, I was eating lunch with a member of mountains.
    My opportunities to go to the mountain are few this year, so my powers are falling.


    1. As we are getting old we can’t move so much as before but I’m sure healthy in brain being happy is enough to make myself happy in the end.


  3. I think that laughable animals has been only a human and laughter is a instinct or technology to escape from suffering and sadness that human beings acquired from ancient times.
    In modern society, I think that laugh is symbol of happiness as it is said “Fortune comes in at the merry gate”.
    By the way, the goddess of laughter at my house is my granddaughter and she always makes our family being happiness.


  4. Laughing is very important action! the old peoples said well,however,it is only not tobe laughable recently!
    I want keeping smile.


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