The funny history of pumpkins

For these days decorations and ornaments of the shops are color of pumpkin festival called ” Halloween ” for years.

It’s very natural that Japanese easily get used to adopt western culture from Christmas, Valentine, Easter, mothers’ day and fathers’ day and so on. Halloween is the latest adoption a kind of boom. It’s said more fanatic popular than Christmas because of its costume showing and making joyful event among young people.

It’s also interesting to know the history of pumpkins.

Funny history of pumpkins

10 thoughts on “The funny history of pumpkins

  1. Good morning☔
    I regarded Japanese squash is the same as Summer and Wintter squash.
    Pumpkin is special
    It’s amazing❗
    I prepared for Halloween🎃
    Arnament, candy, cookie, chocolate and Japanese cracker.🍪🍫🍬🍭🍘🍩


  2. I don’t khow that there are many kind of pumpkins.
    It’s season of pumpkin and trick-or treating . this event are gaining popularity



  3. In recent years, Halloween is popular among our grandchildren also in our house.
    Halloween party is held in every year of the October 31 at the ECC junior classroom that they are learning, and at that time they are competing or enjoying for fancy dress costumes.
    “The funny history of pumpkins” introduced in this blog was very interesting.
    By the way, we also like pumpkins and eat often at our home as “nimono”, “tenpura”, “soup” etc,.


  4. Halloween is coming soon this year too.
    And, many young people on costumes will walk downtown of Tokyo.
    Why do Japanese like this kind of western event?
    By the way,
    Today it was raining since the morning, so the walk event in the area we planned was canceled.
    So, I’m making a mountain guide letter that going to the 15th.


    1. It’s getting colder and darker as the chilly rain comes around. Trees along the street are dark red not so beautiful I saw today.


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