What’s wrong?

The expression by the president of the company made a confusion. It’s because the company was established in Toyama and brought up to the leading company now.

But the company leaves Toyama for Tokyo and the top said ” we’ll never adopt those who are native and brought up in Toyama even though they go to the other prefectures or graduated from the university out of Toyama because of the prefectural personality is closed.”

I think it’s a kind of prejudice and wrong statement. I hope the company should change it immediately by the president.

What’s wrong?

2 thoughts on “What’s wrong?

  1. Good morning☁☔
    I think his opinion is extreme💣🔥
    For example succer games
    Toyama peoples are good defender ❗❗❗
    0:0 is not win
    He need good foward player.
    He wants nicepeople as much as possible.
    So he go to extreme opinion.
    Come on Toyama people❗
    We will try it❗❗❗


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