Different Allium

I don’t know what to plant but there comes some different kinds of alliums in the field.

They’re having very pretty flowers on them now. I really love them 💕

Hope them growing spread and prosperous later!

But my favorite plants or flowers are easily gone😆

Only the strong and familiar to the ground can survive for next year🤷‍♀️

These changing cold and warm very hard weather might be hard for them to survive.I’d like to enjoy the moment of this year so far!

2 thoughts on “Different Allium

  1. Today’s chorus practice song was “Like a flower blooming in the field”.
    “Like a flower blooming in the field, Blown in the wind,
    Like a flower blooming in the field, Refresh people,
    It would be great if we could live like that,
    Sometimes it’s a painful life, but if’ you go through the tunnel, it’s the summer sea,
    At that time, you will know the healthy heart of field flower.”
    Writing: Masami Sugiyama
    Music: Asei Kobayashi
    Comfortable lyric poetry were sung in the nostalgic song, and my heart was washed.


  2. Good afternoon ☁️😊
    It’s comfortableer than yesterday.
    Blooming flowers are so cute and beautiful.
    Music of flowers is good.0
    Your allium’s name, allium roseum.
    It’s so strong 🤣

    Liked by 1 person

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