Pretty Azalea

I saw the tiny and pretty flower in the garden of my friend. I asked him what it is…he didn’t answer but may be “Tsutsuji” which he didn’t know to plant nor noticed ever.

Oh…it’s a great gift from the heaven! I like this tiny one very much!

I searched it on the net and it answered “Azalea”. I wonder what’s the difference between Tsutsuji and Azalea…I thought it the same in Japanese and in English.

Japanese Tsutsuji is not Azalea? It’s difficult to explain it🤔

3 thoughts on “Pretty Azalea

  1. Good morning ⛅️😊
    It’s very beautiful azalea.
    Double petal and pretty pink….
    I love this flower.
    My garden’s rose is blooming now.
    Red,orange,white, pale purple and pink 🌹
    I’m looking forward to seeing a lot of kind of rose.😊


  2. The Lantana flower tree that I received from my teacher received a lot of life in this world and vigorously develops the sprout and received a lot of love in this world and red flowers bloomed.
    When I wake up in the morning and observe it that day, it grows big again.
    Every day, every day, every day is the beginning of a loving life.
    And it gives off the ultimate fragrance and I have a blissful moment.
    I will cherish the other name of the Lantana flower tree “blissful tree”.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your great care for Lantana💕 She might be happy to get a splendid foster parent like you👍
      I’ll tell my aunt that you breed her well and she’s still beautifully blooming this year, too.💝


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