Local currency “Yell” in Toyama

M; “YELL!” our town with local


F; What’s it?

M; I’ve heard of it on TV news.

I need to learn more.

F; Hmmm….you’re always hunting the new! Much earlier than anyone 😄

M; It’s me that being fund of new trend😆

Yell Toyama


4 thoughts on “Local currency “Yell” in Toyama

  1. Good morning☀
    M:I’ watched on Tv📺 news too.
    But my brain 「fuu…n」

    F:Aha you don’t have an interest.
    I can’t understand it.

    M:If concrete CM, we may understand.
    We need collect information about it by ourself.

    F:Oky, today’s blog , I read without hurry.
    ( -_・)?(>_<)(@_@;)


  2. F: Maybe, “YELL” is the virtual currency, isn’t it?
    M: Is it the same as a bitcoin?
    F: I guess so.
    M: I think that I don’t become involved with it.

    M: By the way, Today’s Jen was cute.
    F: What happened to her?
    M: She talked about Freddie Mercury like a little girl.
    F: That may be the secret of her youthfulness.


  3. F; Do you know local currency “Yell” in Toyama?
    M; No, I didn’t know at all, but I learned reading an article of the blog today.
    F; How is that?
    M: I don’t have a smartphone and can’t keep up with such a system.
    After all, I am old person.
    F; Me too.
    M; By the way, my freind recommended to use smartphone when I participated at company OB meeting yesterday. He said that using smartphone will change your life drastically. So, I am considering to get and use a smartphone.
    F; Really?


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