Message from Kirin to those who are young in dark

M; It’s really heart shaking words from Kirin Kiki who passed away recently.

F; She’s been tough and gentle facing her destiny.

M; She devoted her life to help young people who are thought to be weak to die. She knew what they thought and suffered because she had been on the way.

F; She knew her weakness and inferiority that’s why she had found the way being herself.

M; It’s so nice to me to know her real words that there is no one who is useless in this world. Don’t hurry to go away but you’ll get to the goal as getting old.

F; It’s lovely to lead people who misunderstand that committing suicide is happy ending. Instead encouraging softly to be patient and live on by yourself until die!

M; Yeah…, everyone will die in the end so don’t kill yourself.

F; I’m sure her words saved lots of life.

M; Not only saved but also it will save ones!

Message from Kirin

3 thoughts on “Message from Kirin to those who are young in dark

  1. Good morning ☀
    M:Her words are great❗🎶❤💕
    If everybody don’t need me, I can’t live in this world.
    But I have dremland in my mind.
    So, I can live in this world.😆
    The worst of bullying, It’s ignore.

    F:you are powerful.
    Do you talk with junior high school students about bullying?

    M:yes,I listen her talks.

    F:You listen a talk, don’t talk!
    It’s good😆

    M:Thank you😆
    I know that important to listen.😉


  2. M: I don’t talk much when I’m with my friends.

    F: You are always listening to everyone’s talk.

    M: I am shy. But, I’m very busy in October.

    F: I wonder if you are required by someone.

    M: Ms. Kirin said. “Human beings have a role”


  3. Ms.Kirin Kiki who lived in nature without getting stuck even when she was attacked by whole body cancer is a great person.
    She said about herself that was “a weak person”, but I think that she was actually a strong person without death fear.

    By the way, today there was a learning presentation meeting and PTA bazaar of my younger grandson’s elementary school in the morning, and baseball game of elder grandson’s team in the afternoon. So, I was very busy by taking them with video and picture.


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