Apple support

M; I had a problem with my Mac Pro, which I’ve been using since 2011, a kind of long life, while I had having Windows for 16 years and had changed every 3 years from Win95 to XP, totally 5 or 6 machines.

F; What’s wrong?

M; It took long time to start from log in. I waited for more than 30 minutes.

F; Oh…that’s tough, may be it’s broken.

M; I made a phone call to Apple support. Even it’s old the Apple specialist solved the problem with me on the phone and using remote access.

F; Then, does your Mac work well?

M; Yeah…, it was not so serious but some system check and application deletion could help Mac to revive.

F; So good for you!

M; Yeah… but the specialist advised me the old Mac can’t afford to get mechanic support nor despair any more. So I need to prepare back up hard disk in case of the dead time coming.

F; You mean you have to prepare the hard disk to keep the data back up?

M; Yeah…, who knows when the old PC would suddenly die.

Anyway I’m very satisfied with Apple support very much.

5 thoughts on “Apple support

  1. Good morning⛅
    My grandchildren and me going to Disneyland.
    But we get 「jutai」
    We stay in Sinjuku.
    Maybe we can watch Disneyland, after one hour.
    That’s to bad😭
    Then,I don’t have PC so I don’t use it.
    I use Sumaho, It’s convenient.😆


  2. M: I have never used a new PC.
    F: What kind of PC do you use?
    M: I always use my children’s hand-me-down.
    F: Does your old PC work safely?
    M: The PC I was using earlier suddenly stopped working.
    F: Were your data safe?
    M: I was using an old PC while making backups., but it was too sudden so I couldn’t secure everything.
    F: Have you asked the experts?
    M: Experts supporting my PC challenged to retrieve the data but couldn’t do it.
    F: Oh, That was disappointing.
    M: So I work with memory cards.


  3. F; Ms.jen seems to like Apple very much, doesn’t she?
    M; Yeah, she really likes Apple. I am always enviable her to full use of Apple in our class freely.
    F; Do you use Apple?
    M; No, I have only been Windows ever, and will be from now on.


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