A Spanish woman has big fame

M; It’s very surprising that a Spanish woman really looks like the American president, Mr. Trump.

F; Really? Isn’t it he?

M; No. She is a farmer about the same age as him and blond hair wearing skirt and holding hoe over her shoulder.

F; What does she say?

M; She never cares about it but worries more about her potatoes to grow up well.

F; I hope Mr. president worries more about people all over the world.

M; I hope Ms.Spanish Trump could get good crops.

A Spanish woman has big fame

4 thoughts on “A Spanish woman has big fame

  1. Good morning☔
    M:She is good farmer!
    But If Mr. Trampu was disguiseas Spanish woman,he is good actor.

    He can’t it❗

    M:I see😱😵😣


  2. F: The woman in this article is very similar to President Trump in America, isn’t she?
    M: Yeah, I think so. She seems to be worrying seriously about crops of her field.
    F: It seems like that.
    M: I wish for President Trump who is similar to her to worry seriously not only for his own country, but also for the peace and stability of the world.

    By the way, today morning I found one of new bud sprouting from the cuttings of emperor dalia. Since I made 30 cuttings of emperor dalia, if all of them sprouting, I will give it to someone if wishing.


  3. M: I came here for the first time in a week.
    But I am tired, so I don’t have the power to read today’s articles.
    F: You were busy taking care of your grandchildren.
    M: That’s right. I was busy preparing meals and washing.
    F: I can imagine your busyness.
    M: My grandchildren went out to various places.
    But when they were at home they were running through in the house with “Anpanman car” and mini bike.
    After they returned to their house, I had to clean up my house and tidy up a lot of toys and books.
    F: Thank you for your hard work!


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