Manga characters in Himi

Kaibutsu kun, Ninja Hattorikun and Moguro Fukuzo are very popular characters by Fujiko FujioA. He is from Himi. His hometown Himi sets up its star’s museum and showing symbol statues of anime characters across the city center.

It’s very honorable for them to celebrate those hero characters instead of Mr.Fujiko who never turns back to the hometown.

Local cities such as Himi are becoming desolate because of declining population so something good topics are needed and be more popular and refreshing.

Manga characters in Himi

6 thoughts on “Manga characters in Himi

  1. Good morning โ˜
    My family watched his anime programme on TV.
    We like his anime,especially Mr. Moguro.
    By the way,we made rice cake at mytown , yesterday.
    Zenzai, kinakomochi ,oroshimochi, noshimochi and tongiru๐Ÿœ
    After, three young friends and me, we had girls party at my house๐Ÿ•๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿฎโ˜•๐Ÿท๐Ÿป๐Ÿ†๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ…๐Ÿ„๐ŸŒฝโ˜•
    We spend happy time๐Ÿ’•โœดโ‡๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ…


  2. The manga artist of Fujiko Fujio A is a person who we can be proud of in the world as well as in Japan, isn’t it?
    I often visit Himi at the walking meeting and see the dolls or the display of “Ninja Hattorikun” in the streets.
    Also, at that time, I often ride on “Ninja Hattorikun Train” on the Himi line.

    By the way, today I have working hard to about 150 sheets of the New Year’s card making in day-long.
    The New Year’s card is is a means of exchange once a year for me who is poor letter writer or an analogue person.


    1. Itโ€™s great work to write 150 sheets of New Years cards! Iโ€™m shameful getting reduce of greeting cards and shifting to online.


  3. It is a good thing that there are symbols in own hometown.
    I have seen the scene where Manga characters move in Himi.
    My grandchildren ‘s favorite is “Anpanman”, but I want to show them.
    By the way,
    Today I watched a new “Star Wars” at a movie theater.
    I saw all the “Star Wars” series, so I couldn’t miss this.
    I ate churitosu, and drank Ginger ale and enjoyed the movie.


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