6 thoughts on “How to •••

  1. Good morning☔
    I have 3.5item suitable 「pin pin korori」5item.
    I agree MS. Hashida.
    I don’t know my life -time⏰⏳⌛📛
    I live at that time with enjoys.


    1. We should not avoid to talk our dead time to be peaceful and no regret though it’ll not be known.
      Our life should be accepted and done well by our responsibility even for the death I hope.


  2. I’m writing about how I would like to have the last time in my life.
    And, I’m telling it to my children.
    Now, a Japanese hospitals can’t be hospitalized easily.
    In addition, the government is planning to abolish the “hospital for the elderly”.
    I also wish for “pin pin korori.”
    For that reason, I want to spend everyday with my mind and body healthy.
    By the way,
    Weather changes are intense yesterday and today..
    Today I was talking with my classmate that the four seasons were gone in Japan.


    1. It’s changing crazy these days rainy, windy, sunshine and thunderstorm. It’s getting dark and cold wet season. The hardest time to keep our health rightly.


  3. I also can’t know how to end the life, but at least also want to finish my life by happy ending without pain or regret.
    By the way, I am spending a life that matches the way to keep the healthy life in this article.
    First of all, I go to a dental clinic once a month and taking tooth and oral care.
    And I walk on average more than 10,000 steps a day, sleep soundly more 6 hours, eat breakfast with banana and yogurt every morning, stop smoking after 40 years old and active in community activities as discrict welfare officer.
    But, only I am not good at drinking liquor somewhat.


    1. You’re having healthy mental and body perfectly! But I’m not sure you’re not good at drinking liquor. You didn’t enjoy sake nor beer, did you?


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