Birthday lunch

I promised my daughter-in-law I would delivery birthday lunch earlier. For the first I thought I would order delivery pizza and make something else and cake. But I found it very delicious and fun to cook myself pizza made from rice cake. So I planed menu for the lunch and tried to cook and taste by myself. Mochi pizza, rose shaped gyoza using rice flour, chicken soup and yogurt bavarois cake. Salad and drink were prepared by her. It was perfect!

We couldn’t have quiet lunch time together but sitting baby in places. That’s why we couldn’t eat out this time. But it’s the best way to eat at home 🏡.

8 thoughts on “Birthday lunch

  1. Good morning ☁
    Your idea is great🎊💮🎉💕
    White rose is beautiful❗❗
    Hand made is the best happy
    Make,show,taste, so alot of happy💕
    You and your daughter’s family had happy time.
    The second term starts on Monday so today😆


  2. Your handmade lunch menu and dishes is very nice and gorgeous, isn’t it?
    Surely, your daughter-in-law would appreciate for your thoughtfulness. You are a good mother-in-law, aren’t you?

    By the way, at my home, our family’s birthday had been celebrating with eating out so far, but it is also a good to surround handmade dishes at home.
    Since our family’s birthday is from early November to early March except my July, we would like to celebrate with the various pot dishes.


    1. I’m trying to do good for daughter-in-law because of much appreciation. I thank for her having a good homemaker with my son.


  3. What a wonderful person you are!
    Your family is a happy family.
    I’m not good at cooking.
    That’s why I already thinking about meal of grandchildren coming to New Year…LOL

    By the way,
    This morning, I woke up because of the cold.
    My body can’t adapt to such temperature difference.


  4. I can imagine your happy family your handmade cooking is good well
    please teach me easy and delisous dish
    cooking become poor with a year
    I feal better at the cooking in oldays.


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