Quick reform

I want a handle off pan which would be convenient to use. For example without handle it’s easy to put into oven and fridge. And it could be put on the table a as steel dish. I watched it three kinds of pans and a handle set in the housewares. But it’s very expensive though. So I wonder if I got only a handle it might be used to my own pans. 

I found a multi- used handle for pans and try to use for my pans. I removed handles from my pans. And finally it works! I’m very satisfied with my new pans.

2 thoughts on “Quick reform

  1. Good morning☀
    You are good Job❗💓❤💖💕
    My sun wants it too.
    So It’s very experiensive.
    I tell him your idea❗🎶💕
    Thank you 💕💓💗



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