Pleasure to see the growth

It’s season to grow. The one of them is kikuimo, Jerusalem artichoke in English.

It’s full of inulin which makes to control blood pressure or save from constipation.

I ate it to buy on the net and found to buy later at Jibamonya. It’s getting to be known well recently.

I happened to find its bulbs at the store and tried to plant with onion bulbs a month ago.

The fast one is this kikuimo which may be strong and survival well from Israel 🇮🇱😮

Next is the flowers of lavenders are getting to bloom from last year over the winter. But the other lavender called lace lavender was dead in winter😢 I loved the perfume of the lace lavender a lot!

Anyway I move on from the lost! I plant soy bean seeds this morning. I wish I could harvest some day🤗

P.S. It’s also pleasure to see the kanji


One thought on “Pleasure to see the growth

  1. Good afternoon ☀️😊
    You are good former 🥰
    My friend and me could borrow the field from neighbor.
    We bought a lot of kind young plants.
    Cucanber,tomatoes,eggplants,corns,watermelon,green pepper etc.🍉🍅🍆🥒🫑🌽
    She is a good farmer, so my job is water.
    For that purpose, we have to plow a field and make a une畝.
    The field is behind my house.
    We can see it everyday and any time.😊


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